- Proceed to checkout
- Sell products
- Sell salon vouchers
- Attribute product and salon voucher sales
- Give discounts or raise price
- Select payment method
- Finalise checkout
Checkout appointments
Proceed to checkout
To proceed to checkout just click on the particular appointment in calendar view and then choose ‘checkout’. The checkout screen appears with all services of the appointment automatically preselected.
Sell products
Products can easily be sold in the same checkout window, they are placed right below services. As soon as you have clicked ‘sell product’ you can conveniently choose an existing one (by clicking it or typing at least two letters of the product name). In the inventory you can set ‘quantity in stock’ for existing products. If you have done so the quantity of units that should be in stock will be displayed during checkout.
Also, if the product has not been added to your product list before, you can create it there. Enter its name and the sales price (including VAT) and as soon as the checkout is completed it will be added to your product list with standard VAT rate (UK: 20%, IE: 23%).
If you need to sell different products just repeat both procedures. The amount of any product added to checkout is automatically set to ‘1’ but can easily be amended by clicking on it.
Sell salon vouchers
Treatwell allows selling and redeeming salon vouchers that are not specified but can be used to pay for every service and product of a salon (Handling of salon vouchers).
If a customer wants to buy a salon voucher for your services and products in addition to the already received service, they can easily be sold in the same checkout mask. These are placed below services, right next to ‘sell products’. When you have chosen the salon voucher option, you are able to sell a voucher by defining a description, value and how many you want to sell.
Note: If you are unsure about the taxation of salon vouchers please address this with your accountants or tax advisor. Unfortunately we are not allowed to give tax advice.
Attribute product and salon voucher sales
Accurate reports require accurate data. POS Sales reports are based on checkout data, so in order to make sure that those report are fully valuable, each checkout has to be done accurately. In regards of sales reports, service revenue is attributed based on calendar. So the employee that owns the appointment receives its service revenue. Since another employee might sell products or salon vouchers to the very same customer, both can easily be manually attributed to other employees during checkout: Just click on the item and then choose the employee the unit is ‘sold by’.
Give discounts or raise item price
To give discount just click the service, product or salon voucher. You’re then able to enter a percentage discount. Also you can edit the price (currently only on Pay at Venue bookings). Of course, discounts or price edits will only be applied for the current checkout.
Select payment method
When all items for the checkout are set, the amount payable will be shown. Now you will have to choose the payment method.
Payment methods are combinable e.g. if a customer pays part cash and the other part with card, each used payment method can and has to be declared correctly.
For cash payments click on the designated button. The total amount payable will be shown. If the customer is not able to pay the exact amount, you will always enter the amount given. The Treatwell POS will automatically calculate the change and will show this on the receipt as well. Confirm the entered amount via a click.
SumUp: Payments processed by SumUp can be seamlessly taken via Treatwell Connect app. Then taking the card payment conveniently completes the checkout, too. Learn here how to set up SumUp card reader and Treatwell Connect app.
To take such a card payment simply choose ‘card’, change the charge amount if necessary and confirm both card payment and checkout by choosing ‘charge’.
Then, the SumUp device will wake up and our Treatwell Connect app will ask to either ‘tap or insert card’. Hand the SumUp device to the customer to do so. Low amounts may be payable contactlessly, in most cases the customer is required to enter PIN. If so, both SumUp device and Treatwell Connect app will tell so. The SumUp device will also display the charge sum. Ask the customer to check it, to enter and confirm the PIN via SumUp device.
As soon as the card payment has been successfully taken, the checkout is auto completed and Treatwell Connect app will switch to ‘transaction summary’.
All other card payment processors:
Card payments processed by other processors can not be taken via Treatwell Connect app. They can and should be captured though.
In those cases always take the card payment outside Treatwell POS and then, once successful, capture it in Treatwell Connect: Click ‘card’, choose the card schema (i.e. Maestro, V Pay, VISA, Mastercard or American Express) and enter the charged amount.
Important: If the given amount is higher than the amount payable, the difference for all card payments will be recorded as noncash and VAT free tip. You will find a detailed description for this under ‘Tip’.
Vouchers and other
If a customer pays with a salon voucher issued by you or by any third party or with any other accepted payment method accepted by you, choose this button. Here you select the appropriate category and enter the correct description, e.g. name or ID number of the voucher. The amount payable will be shown here as well.
Important: If the given amount is higher than the amount payable, the difference for all card payments will be recorded as noncash and VAT free tip. You will find a detailed description for this under ‘Non-cash tips’.
Payments received via Treatwell
For all bookings received through Treatwell where the customer has already prepaid online, the amount will automatically be preselected. If the total amount ends up being higher because the customer bought some additional products, any extra costs can be checked out through all other available payment methods.
Notes: Sometimes misunderstandings and errors are unavoidable.
If a customer neither cancels nor shows up for his prepaid appointment, the procedure is the same: Open the appointment and click ‘no show’. This will not just inform the customer via email but also trigger an auto checkout of that appointment since you will receive the prepaid amount.
Also, if a customer does not receive all prepaid services and qualifies for a refund, the new and correct subtotal has to be paid on-site instead and the customer will have to contact Treatwell for the refund. The procedure is explained in detail in the ‘Frequently asked questions’ section.
Finalise checkout
Employee performing checkout
After having chosen the payment method choose the employee who performed the checkout. The name of the employee will be printed on the receipt after completing the checkout.
Complete checkout
Checkout will only be complete if all items are entered correctly. You will be able to complete the checkout via the designated button. The invoice will always be saved and the transaction will be recorded. This will be recorded in the ‘Transaction report’. The appointment will then show a blue line instead of a green one and can only be adjusted if the appointment was refunded first.
Note: Checkout will only be completed when the total amount payable and the given amounts at least match. For example, when a customer has to pay £/€65 and has only paid £/€45 it will not be possible to checkout the appointment.
Print receipts
After the completed checkout a window will open. Here you will have the possibility to print a receipt via click. Alternatively, you can check the box which says: ‘Print receipt automatically’. In the future the receipt will be printed automatically after you have checked out an appointment. This setting can be reversed in the same window anytime you want.