If you believe a review breaches our Review Guidelines, you’re welcome to report it to our Review Team.
Before you report a review, please take a look at some of the FAQs in this article.
If you still feel the review breaches our Review Guidelines, please contact us and please be very specific about what aspect of the review you believe breaches our Review Guidelines and which guideline it breaches. Please be advised that you can only report a review once.
Once you’ve reported a review, our Review Team will typically respond via email within a few business days about the outcome of the report.
It’s worth noting that the Review Team may temporarily remove a review or its written content whilst they are investigating a report. If the written content of a reported review breaches our guidelines, the team will typically remove the content, and just reflect the star rating live on our website. If the whole review breaches (for example, if it's a third party's account of a treatment), the team will remove the review entirely, including the star rating.